Monday, March 2, 2009

We need a different type of President

We need a different type of President
by Robert G Parent

We need a different type of President to solve the economic mess we're in. Why don't we have a President who is a successful business person?

If we did have a President that is a successful business person, this country could actually make wise investment decisions.

Imagine if we ( The United States of America ) could make $8 Billion on a $2 Billion dollar investment.

Imagine if the National Debt actually decreases every year ( What a Concept ).

We are being imprisoned by debt. How effective can a country be when it is in debt to many or every country in the world?

I have a dream. That in 2010, we will have elected in office a Liberatarian/Moderate congress. And in 2012, we will have the first successful business person as President of the United States. And if he or she is a liberatarian, how much sweeter it will be.

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