Friday, July 18, 2008

Old Journals by Robert G Parent

Old Journals
by Robert G Parent

Have you ever looked back and read or listened to something you did in the past? Well, I do this every so often and, I usually get inspired to write something. It usually comes out pretty good, well at least I think so, because its like I started thinking on something, like a seed thought, and through my experiences from that moment to the current moment there has been growth and greater understanding about that thought.

This happens to each of us. If you think back, you should be able to see those instances for yourself. This is also proof that we "set" our future selves up in the life that we live. What we think about today, we will become tomorrow.

This is how I grow not only as a spiritual being but as a poet. My latest occurrence was when I wrote the poem "Preflection". That word came to me 16 years ago in 1992 in a dream. I wrote it down because of the dream I had. I wanted to understand about that word more. So as I was listening to a tape of my audio journal that dream and the word "Preflection" caught my attention again. Even though I had forgotten it on one level, my inner self ( higher mind ) didn't. I still wanted understanding of it. So, I wrote it down again, leaned back in my chair, and had the urge to write about it again. I did and the poem "Preflection" and this article came out of it.

If your currently looking for inspiration and can't seem to write anything, maybe, you should go back to old audio and/or written journals. This not only will get you out of a dry spell, but give your life a sense of continuity. And, if you still haven't started a written journal, what are you waiting for.