Monday, March 2, 2009

We need a different type of President

We need a different type of President
by Robert G Parent

We need a different type of President to solve the economic mess we're in. Why don't we have a President who is a successful business person?

If we did have a President that is a successful business person, this country could actually make wise investment decisions.

Imagine if we ( The United States of America ) could make $8 Billion on a $2 Billion dollar investment.

Imagine if the National Debt actually decreases every year ( What a Concept ).

We are being imprisoned by debt. How effective can a country be when it is in debt to many or every country in the world?

I have a dream. That in 2010, we will have elected in office a Liberatarian/Moderate congress. And in 2012, we will have the first successful business person as President of the United States. And if he or she is a liberatarian, how much sweeter it will be.

More is Too Much

More is Too Much
by Robert G Parent

More money doesn't necessarily solve problems. More money could cause problems. Our ability to use our creativity, our innovation, our intuition is how we'll solve problems.

I had to use and develop these abilities in my life because many times I did not have a lot of money to get the "best" programs or gadgets. But, the things I create with inexpensive programs or gadgets are as good as those created with the most expensive programs or gadgets.

In education, we can use our creativity to come up with lesson plans that show our students the bigger picture. For example, I just watched a series on my local public television station, where teachers showed how they used art to help teach complicated concepts in subjects like math, history, science, and other subjects.

More doesn't mean better, more just means you/we need more energy to complete a simple task. Nature doesn't operate like this and we shouldn't either.

More also means more stress and more anxiety, we don't need this and these are abundant when we have more government. Also, this goes for mega-businesses, who need to comsume more, just to make a profit.

Our society has thrived on consuming more and more. What has that caused? This current global problem. Its not the fault of our elected officials because they are a product of this type of society.

We are at a point where we can learn a major lesson as a society as a whole. In every generation there is a test that is faced, maybe, this is the test this generation faces.

To survive this time, we have to think differently, to do things differently. If we don't think and act differently, we'll miss our opportunity for a major lesson as a whole society. A lesson that can unify this world. A lesson that will launch us into a new future.